Mary’s Meals

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Mary’s Meals

Mary’s Meals was introduced in India for the first time at St. Joseph’s school, Assandh, Haryana in April 2005 in partnership with mary’s meals international, Scotland. This is an attempt to provide daily nutritious meals to children in a school/non formal learning center, regardless of their religion. This motivates children into the classroom. It gives a hope, not just to survive, but also to concentrate, learn, grow, and develop healthily. In this way Mary’s Meals builds a ladder to come out of poverty to receive education as it increases opportunities for productive employment and creates more-self-reliant and healthier societies. Thus, the world’s poorest communities can be transformed.

It began by serving daily lunch to 40 poor children of the school.  Today Mary’s Meals in partnership with BREAD has been able to reach out to 82967 of the poorest of poor children in states located in the northern and central part of the country.