Objectives: Offering monetary assistance for the vocational training to the identified underprivileged children, to help fulfill their potential and become self-reliant.
India is proud of its demographic dividend, but it would be illustrious only if we equip the youth with skills. The economically backward section of society is more in need of being skilled for the attainment of jobs. Their living conditions make it important for them to start earning soon and find a regular source of income. Higher academic goals do not seem ideal in their situation. Moreover, many first-generation learners find it difficult to take their studies forward meritoriously. Therefore, support for the achievement of skill-based education would fetch them a job. With the able support by our donors, BREAD backed by the donors through this program has created a scope for children to pursue further for vocational education, by agreeing to support them partially/completely with their course fee to the institute of learning.
To this date MOTHER’S LEAP has helped 167 YOUTHS, Financially, to break through the generational poverty by professional education, skill development or job-oriented training programs.
Result: Improvement of their livelihood through enhancement of their opportunities of employment and self-employment.